Cristian Canales
Profesor Adjunto [email protected]
Doctor en Ciencias del Mar, Universidad de Barcelona, España
Magíster en Estadística, Universidad de Valparaíso
Ingeniero Civil Industrial y Licenciado en Ingeniería, Universidad Federico Santa María, Valparaíso
Ingeniero Pesquero, PUCV
Línea de Investigación:
Dinámica y modelamiento de poblaciones marinas
Su trabajo de investigación, asistencia técnica y extensión se orienta al desarrollo de modelos de dinámica de poblaciones, la evaluación de stock y de Estrategias de Manejo Pesquero. Estudia la dinámica de pequeños recursos pelágicos, las pesquerías de datos limitados, invertebrados marinos, las pesquerías bentónicas y la heterogeneidad espacial de rasgos biológicos de los recursos pesqueros.
Asesora a la Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura mediante su participación en Comités Científico-Técnico Pesqueros (Recursos Crustáceos Demersales; Recursos Bentónicos). Ha sido Consejero del Fondo de Investigación Pesquera e integrante de la Delegación Chilena en la Organización Regional de Pesca del Pacifico Sur.
Es evaluador de trabajos científicos para las revistas Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, Fisheries Research, Progress in Oceanography, entre otras.
- Deroba, J., D. Butterworth, R. Methot, J. De Oliveira, C. Fernandez, A. Nielsen, S. Cadrin, M. Dickey-Collas, C. Legault, J. Ianelli, J. Valero, C. Needle, J. O’Malley, Y. Chang, G. Thompson, C. Canales, D. Swain, D. Miller, N. Hintzen, M. Bertignac, L. Ibaibarriaga, A. Silva, A. Murta, L. Kell, C. de Moor, A. Parma, C. Dichmont, V. Restrepo, Y. Ye, E. Jardim, P. Spencer, D. Hanselman, J. Blaylock, M. Mood, P. Hulson. 2015, Simulation testing the robustness of stock assessment models to error: some results from the ICES Strategic Initiative on Stock Assessment Methods. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 72(1) (2015), Pages 19–30, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst237.
- Canales C.M., J.B. Company & P.M. Arana, 2016. Spatio-temporal modelling of the maturity, sex ratio, and physical condition of nylon shrimp Heterocarpus reedi (Decapoda, Caridea), off Central Chile. Fish. Res., 179 (2016) 1–9.
- Canales C.M., J.B. Company & P.M. Arana, 2016. Population structure of nylon shrimp Heterocarpus reedi (Crustacea: Caridea) and its relationship with environmental variables off Chile. Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Res., 44(1): 144-154.
- Canales C.M., J.B. Company & P.M. Arana, 2016. Using a length-based stock assessment model to evaluate population structure hypotheses of nylon shrimp Heterocarpus reedi (Decapoda, Caridea) exploited off central Chile. Fish. Res., 183 (2016) 360-370.
- Canales C.M., C. Hurtado & C. Techeira, 2017. Implementing a model for data-poor fisheries based on steepness of the stock-recruitment relationship, natural mortality and local perception of population depletion. The case of the kelp Lessonia berteroana on coasts of north-central Chile. Fish. Res., 179 (2018) 31–42.
- Canales, C. M., N. Adasme, L. A. Cubillos, M. J. Cuevas, N. Sanchez., 2018. Long-time spatio-temporal variations in anchovy (Engraulis ringens) biological traits off northern Chile: an adaptive response to long-term environmental change? ICES Journal of Marine Science (2018), 75(6), 1908–1923. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy082
- Adasme, L., Canales, C. M., Adasme, N. A. 2019. Incidental seabird mortality and discarded catches from trawling off far southern Chile (39°-57°S). ICES Journal of Marine Science (2019), 76(4), 848–858.
- Canales, C. M., Cubillos, L. A., Cuevas, M. J., Adasme, N. A., Sánchez, N., 2019. Applying separability assumption in a length-based stock assessment model to evaluate temporal effects of recruitments process error of small-pelagic fish. Fish. Res., 217 (2019) 108-121.
- Punt A. E, G. N. Tuck, J. Day, C. M. Canales, J. M. Cope, C. L. de Moor, J. A.A. De Oliveira, M. Dickey-Collas, B. Þ. Elvarsson, M. Haltuch, O. S. Hamel, A. C. Hicks, C. M. Legault, P. D. Lynch, and M. J. Wilberg. 2020. When are model-based stock assessments rejected for use in management and what happens then?. Fisheries Research 224 (2020) 105465.
- López F., J. Jimenez & C. M. Canales. 2020. Optimal fishing mortality assignment for southern hake Merluccius australis in Chile. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 48(4): 613-625, 2020. DOI: 10.3856/vol48-issue4-fulltext-
2283. - C. Sagua, L. A. Cubillos, C. M. Canales, R. Alarcón-Muñoz, 2021. The recruitment dynamics of the nylon shrimp Heterocarpus reedi, effects of climate and predation off Chile. Fisheries Research 235 (2021) 105817.
fishres.2020.105817 - C. M. Canales, A. Punt, M. Mardones, 2021. Can a length-based pseudo-cohort analysis (LBPA) using multiple catch length-frequencies provide insight into population status in data-poor situations?. Fisheries Research 234 (2021), 105810.
fishres.2020.105810 - C. M. Canales, L. A. Cubillos. 2021. Empirical survey-based harvest control rules in a transboundary small pelagic fishery under recruitment regime shifts: The case of the northern Chilean-southern Peruvian anchovy. Marine Policy 134 (2021) 104784.
marpol.2021.104784 - L. González-Poblete, J. C. Saavedra, R. Céspedes, C. M. Canales. 2022. Parasites of Merluccius australis as biological tags to determine the hake ecological stocks in the sea channels of Chilean Patagonia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. Volume 278 (2022), 108117.