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Walisson De Souza e Silva

Walisson De Souza e Silva

[email protected]

Ingeniero en Acuicultura, Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil

Máster en Zootecnia, Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil

Dr. en Zootecnia, Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil


Reproducción y fisiología de organismos acuáticos

Producción de larvas y juveniles de peces

Nutrición y alimentación de peces 

Comportamiento y bienestar de peces de cultivo


Diferentes manejos y técnicas en la reproducción de peces.

Cultivo sostenible de peces.

Dietas alternativas en piscicultura

Pruebas de estrés en peces

Expresión genética y enzimología en larvas y juveniles de peces.

Evaluación del comportamiento de los peces en el laboratorio y sus implicaciones en un ambiente de cultivo.


  • Profesor Asociado de la Escuela de Ciencias del Mar (ECM)  de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV)(2023 – actual), Residencia Posdoctoral (2022), Doctorado (2021) y Magíster en Zootecnia (2017) por la Escuela de Veterinaria (EV) de la Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Ingeniero en Acuicultura (UFMG) (2014) y Grado sándwich en la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) en la carrera de Ingeniería en Acuicultura (2013);
  • Recibió el "Premio tesis UFMG 2022" otorgado a la mejor tesis de 2021 del Programa de Posgrado en Zootecnia (EV/UFMG). 
  • Fue aprobado primero en la selección de Maestría y Doctorado del Programa de Posgrado en Zootecnia (EV/UFMG) en 2015 y 2017, respectivamente;
  • Realizó prácticas en los laboratorios de cultivo de moluscos marinos, biología y cultivo de peces de agua dulce y peces ornamentales marinos y en una empresa de venta de pescado;
  • Investigación en las áreas de cultivo de pescado, sistemas de producción acuícola, fisiología, comportamiento de peces, larvicultura, reproducción, nutrición, bioquímica, enzimología y biología molecular desde 2010;
  • Participó en la evaluación de trabajos finales de pregrado, de especialización y tesis doctorales;
  • Tiene más de 37 papers publicados en revistas científicas de importancia internacional y más de 100 resúmenes publicados en anales de congresos;
  • Revisor de importantes revistas del ámbito acuícola, tales como: Aquaculture, Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, Acta Amazonica y otras. 


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1. DO CARMO NEVES, LUANNA ; DE SOUZA E SILVA, WALISSON ; FERREIRA, ANDRE LIMA ; FAVERO, GISELE CRISTINA ; BEIER, SUZANE LILIAN ; PALHETA, GLAUBER DAVID ALMEIDA ; DE MELO, NUNO FILIPE ALVES CORREIA ; LUZ, RONALD KENNEDY . Physiological responses of juvenile Colossoma macropomum after different periods of air exposure. AQUACULTURE, v. 548, p. 737583, 2022.

2. SILVA, WALISSON DE SOUZA E; GONÇALVES-JÚNIOR, LUCAS PEDRO ; FERREIRA, ANDRÉ LIMA ; NEVES, LUANNA DO CARMO ; FERREIRA, NATHALIA SOARES ; LUZ, RONALD KENNEDY . Influence of the social status of male Aulonocara nyassae on behavior, growth, hematology, biochemical parameters, reproduction and larviculture. AQUACULTURE, v. 555, p. 738197, 2022.

3. ARAUJO, L. M. ; GONÇALVES JUNIOR, LUCAS PEDRO; SILVA, W. S. ; LUZ, R. K. . Salinity and prey concentration on larviculture of killifish Hypsolebias radiseriatus (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae). ACTA SCIENTIARUM. ANIMAL SCIENCES, v. 43, p. e52075, 2021.

4. SILVA, W. S.; FERREIRA, A. L. ; NEVES, L. C. ; FEREIRA, N. S. ; Palheta, G.D.A. ; TAKATA, R. ; LUZ, R. K. . Effects of stocking density on survival, growth and stress resistance of juvenile tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) reared in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). AQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2021.

5. MELILO, R. ; MATTIOLI, C. C. ; PAES LEME, F. O. ; SILVA, W. S. ; COSTA, D. C. ; JULIO, G. S. C. ; LUZ, R. K. . Influence of sex and age on biochemical parameters of Lophiosilurus alexandri (Steindachner, 1876): first results. AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, v. 00, p. 1-6, 2021.

6. FAVERO, G. C. ; SANTOS, F. A. C. ; JULIO, G. S. C. ; PEDRAS, P. P. C. ; FERREIRA, A. L. ; SILVA, W. S. ; FEREIRA, N. S. ; NEVES, L. C. ; LUZ, R. K. . Effects of short feed restriction cycles in Piaractus branchypomus juveniles. AQUACULTURE, v. 536, p. 736465, 2021.

7. SILVA, W. S.; GONCALVES JUNIOR, L. P. ; HENRY, M. R. J. M. ; FERREIRA, A. L. ; TORRES, I. F. A. ; NEVES, L. C. ; FEREIRA, N. S. ; LUZ, R. K. . Influence of social status on growth performance, reproductive success and sperm quality of the African cichlid Aulonocara nyassae. APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE, v. 237, p. 105292, 2021.

8. FERREIRA, ANDRE LIMA ; BONIFÁCIO, CAROLINE TEIXEIRA ; DE SOUZA E SILVA, WALISSON; TAKATA, RODRIGO ; FAVERO, GISELE CRISTINA ; LUZ, RONALD KENNEDY . Anesthesia with eugenol and menthol for Piaractus brachypomus (Cuvier, 1818): Induction and recovery times, ventilation frequency and hematological and biochemical responses. AQUACULTURE, v. 544, p. 737076, 2021.

9. GONÇALVES JUNIOR, LUCAS PEDRO ; FERREIRA, ANGÉLICA DA SILVA ; ARAÚJO TORRES, ISABELA F. ; SILVA, WALISSON DE SOUZA E ; COSTA, LEANDRO SANTOS ; LÓPEZ-OLMEDA, JOSÉ F. ; COSTA, NATÁLIA C.S. ; RIBEIRO, PAULA A.P. ; COSTA, DELIANE CRISTINA ; LUZ, RONALD KENNEDY . Feeding frequency on: performance, hematology, and daily rhythms. Journal of Applied Aquaculture (Print), v. 1, p. 1-18, 2021.

10. PARANHOS, CAMILA OLIVEIRA ; NEVES, LUANNA DO CARMO ; SILVA, WALISSON SOUZA E ; LUZ, RONALD KENNEDY . Transport of killifish : effects of salt use and previous feeding in association with transport time. Journal of Applied Aquaculture (Print), v. 1, p. 1-12, 2021.

11. BOAVENTURA, TULIO PACHECO ; PEDRAS, PEDRO PAULO C. ; JÚLIO, GUSTAVO SOARES COSTA ; SANTOS, FABIO AREMIL COSTA ; FERREIRA, ANDRÉ L. ; SOUZA E SILVA, WALLISON ; LUZ, RONALD K. . Use of eugenol, benzocaine or salt during the transport of panga, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878): Effects on water quality, haematology and blood biochemistry. AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, v. 1, p. 1, 2021.

12. MELILLO FILHO, R. ; BAZZOLI, N. ; SILVA, W. S. ; COSTA, D. C. ; BOAVENTURA, T. P. ; JULIO, G. S. C. ; LUZ, R. K. . Rearing and maturation of Lophiosilurus alexandri (Steindachner, 1876) under controlled conditions - first reports and future perspectives. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE, v. 214, p. 1-10, 2020.

13. SANTOS, WELLIENE M. ; COSTA, LEANDRO S. ; LÓPEZ-OLMEDA, JOSE F. ; COSTA, NATÁLIA CRISTINA S. ; SANTOS, FABIO A. C. ; GAMARANO, PEDRO G. ; SILVA, WALISSON S. ; ROSA, PRISCILA V. ; LUZ, RONALD K. ; RIBEIRO, PAULA A. P. . Effects of dietary protein levels on activities of protease and expression of ingestion and protein digestion-related genes in Nile tilapia juveniles. AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, v. 00, p. 1-12, 2020.

14. FERREIRA, A. L. ; SILVA, W. S. ; NEVES, L. C. ; FEREIRA, N. S. ; TAKATA, R. ; LUZ, R. K. . Benzocaine and menthol as anesthetics for the African cichlid Aulonocara nyassae. AQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL, p. 1, 2020.

15. GONCALVES JUNIOR, L. P. ; MATTIOLI, C. C. ; MARTINS, E. F. F. ; SILVA, W. S. ; CIOLETE, T. N. ; VASCONCELLOS, A. S. . Temperature-induced changes in reproductive variables in the teleost fish Lophiosilurus alexandri. JOURNAL OF THERMAL BIOLOGY, v. 80, p. 133-140, 2019.

16. DE SOUZA E SILVA, WALISSON; HISANO, HAMILTON ; MATTIOLI, CRISTIANO CAMPOS ; TORRES, ISABELA FERNANDA ARAÚJO ; DE OLIVEIRA PAES LEME, FABÍOLA ; LUZ, RONALD KENNEDY . Effects of cyclical short-term fasting and refeeding on juvenile Lophiosilurus alexandri, a carnivorous Neotropical catfish. AQUACULTURE, v. 505, p. 12-17, 2019.

17. FAVERO, G. C. ; SILVA, W. S. ; BOAVENTURA, T. P. ; PAES LEME, F. O. ; LUZ, R. K. . Eugenol or salt to mitigate stress during the transport of juvenile Lophiosilurus alexandri, a Neotropical carnivorous freshwater catfish. AQUACULTURE, p. 734321, 2019.

18. COSTA, D. C. ; TAKATA, R. ; E SILVA, W. S. ; BESSONART, M. ; GADEA, J. L. ; MAGNONE, L. ; LUZ, R. K. . Description of amino acid and fatty acid content during initial development of Lophiosilurus alexandri, a carnivorous freshwater catfish. Neotropical Ichthyology, v. 16, p. e180014, 2018.

19. TORRES, I. F. A. ; FERREIRA, A. S. ; E SILVA, W. S. ; MESQUITA, F.O. ; LUZ, R. K. . Effect of environmental color on the behaviour and learning of Nile tilapia. APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE, v. 209, p. 104-108, 2018.

20. TAKATA, R. ; NAKAYAMA, C. L. ; SILVA, W. S. ; BAZZOLI, N. ; LUZ, R. K. . The effect of water temperature on muscle cellularity and gill tissue of larval and juvenile Lophiosilurus alexandri , a Neotropical freshwater fish. JOURNAL OF THERMAL BIOLOGY, v. 76, p. 80-88, 2018.

21. SILVA, W. S.; COSTA, L. S. ; OLMEDA, J. F. L. ; COSTA, N. C. S. ; Santos, W. M. ; RIBEIRO, P. A. P. ; LUZ, R. K. . Gene expression, enzyme activity and performance of Nile tilapia larvae fed with diets of different CP levels. ANIMAL (CAMBRIDGE. ONLINE), p. 1-9, 2018.

22. NAVARRO, R.D ; COSTA, D. C. ; E SILVA, W. S. ; SILVA, B. C. ; LUZ, R. K. . Long-term transportation of juvenile pacamã Lophiosilurus alexandri at different densities. Acta Scientiarum. Technology (Online), v. 39, p. 211-214, 2017.

23. COSTA, D. C. ; MATTIOLI, C. C. ; E SILVA, W. S. ; TAKATA, R. ; PAES LEME, F. O. ; OLIVEIRA, A. L. ; LUZ, R. K. . The effect of environmental colour on the growth, metabolism, physiology, and skin pigmentation of the carnivorous freshwater catfish pacamã Lophiosilurus alexandri. JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY, v. 90, p. 922-935, 2017.

24. SARMENTO, N. L. A. F. E. ; MARTINS, E. F. F. ; COSTA, D. C. ; E SILVA, W. S. ; MATTIOLI, C. C. ; LUZ, M.R. ; LUZ, R. K. . Effects of supplemental dietary vitamin C on quality of semen from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) breeders. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS, v. 52, p. 144-152, 2017.

25. MATTIOLI, C. C. ; TAKATA, R. ; PAES LEME, F. O. ; COSTA, D. C. ; MELILLO FILHO, R. ; E SILVA, W. S. ; LUZ, R. K. . The effects of acute and chronic exposure to water salinity on juveniles of the carnivorous freshwater catfish Lophiosilurus alexandri. AQUACULTURE, v. 481, p. 255-286, 2017.

26. BECKER, A.G. ; LUZ, R. K. ; MATTIOLI, C. C. ; NAKAYAMA, C. L. ; E SILVA, W. S. ; PAES LEME, F. O. . Can the essential oil of Aloysia triphylla have anesthetic effect and improve the physiological parameters of the carnivorous freshwater catfish Lophiosilurus alexandri after transport?. AQUACULTURE, v. 481, p. 184-190, 2017.

27. MELILLO FILHO, REINALDO ; GHELLER, VALENTIM ARABICANO ; CHAVES, GLAUCO VINÍCIO ; DE SOUZA E SILVA, WALISSON ; COSTA, DELIANE CRISTINA ; FIGUEIREDO, LUIS GUSTAVO ; DA COSTA JULIO, GUSTAVO SOARES ; LUZ, RONALD KENNEDY . Early sexing techniques in Lophiosilurus alexandri (Steindachner, 1876), a freshwater carnivorous catfish. THERIOGENOLOGY, v. 86, p. 1523-1529, 2016.

28. COSTA, DELIANE CRISTINA ; DE SOUZA E SILVA, WALISSON ; MELILLO FILHO, REINALDO ; MIRANDA FILHO, KLEBER CAMPOS ; EPAMINONDAS DOS SANTOS, JOSÉ CLAUDIO ; KENNEDY LUZ, RONALD . Capture, adaptation and artificial control of reproduction of Lophiosilurus alexandri: A carnivorous freshwater species. Animal Reproduction Science (Print), v. 159, p. 148-154, 2015.

29. CORDEIRO, N. I. S. ; COSTA, D. C. ; DE S E SILVA, W. ; TAKATA, R. ; MIRANDA-FILHO, K. C. ; LUZ, R. K. . High stocking density during larviculture and effect of size and diet on production of juvenile Steindachner, 1876 (Siluriformes: Pseudopimelodidae). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, v. 32, p. 61-66, 2015.

30. SILVA, W. S.; CORDEIRO, N. I. S. ; COSTA, D. C. ; TAKATA, R. ; LUZ, R. K. . Frequência alimentar e taxa de arraçoamento durante o condicionamento alimentar de juvenis de pacamã. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira (1977. Impressa), v. 49, p. 648-651, 2014.

31. TAKATA, RODRIGO ; Silva, WALISSON DE SOUZA E ; COSTA, DELIANE CRISTINA ; MELILLO FILHO, REINALDO ; LUZ, RONALD KENNEDY . Effect of water temperature and prey concentrations on initial development of Lophiosilurus alexandri Steindachner, 1876 (Siluriformes: Pseudopimelodidae), a freshwater fish. Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso), v. 12, p. 853-859, 2014.

32. BATISTA, ÁUREA LUIZA DAYRELL ; MELILLO FILHO, REINALDO ; TAKATA, RODRIGO ; SILVA, WALISSON DE SOUZA E ; SANTOS, ANDRÉ EDUARDO HERINGER ; LUZ, RONALD KENNEDY . Incubação de ovos de pacamã com florfenicol. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira (Online), v. 49, p. 911-914, 2014.

33. DA COSTA, DANIEL PEREIRA ; DE OLIVEIRA PAES LEME, FABÍOLA ; TAKATA, RODRIGO ; COSTA, DELIANE CRISTINA ; DE SOUZA E SILVA, WALISSON ; MELILLO FILHO, REINALDO ; ALVES, GABRIELA MICCOLI ; LUZ, RONALD KENNEDY . Effects of temperature on growth, survival and physiological parameters in juveniles of Lophiosilurus alexandri, a carnivorous neotropical catfish. AQUACULTURE RESEARCH, v. x, p. n/a-n/a, 2014.

34. FILHO, REINALDO MELILLO ; TAKATA, RODRIGO ; SANTOS, ANDRÉ EDUARDO HERINGER ; DE SOUZA E SILVA, WALISSON ; IKEDA, ALINE LEITE ; RODRIGUES, LUCAS ALVES ; SANTOS, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO EPAMINONDAS DOS ; SALARO, ANA LÚCA ; LUZ, RONALD KENNEDY . Draining system and feeding rate during the initial development of (Steindachner, 1877) a carnivorous freshwater fish. Aquaculture Research (Print), v. s, p. n/a-n/a, 2013.

35. RIBEIRO, P. A. P. ; MIRANDA FILHO, K.C ; MELILLO FILHO, R. ; SANTOS, A. E. H. ; SILVA, W. S. ; RODRIGUES, L. A. ; LUZ, R. K. . Efeito anestésico do eugenol em juvenis de pacamã. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira (1977. Impressa), v. 48, p. 1136-1139, 2013.

36. RIBEIRO, PAULA ADRIANE PEREZ ; DE MELO, DANIELA CHEMIM ; DO ESPIRITO SANTO, AMANDA H. ; DE SOUZA E SILVA, WALISSON ; SANTOS, ANDRÉ EDUARDO HERINGER ; LUZ, RONALD KENNEDY . Tricaine as an anaesthetic for larvae and juveniles of Lophiosilurus alexandri , a carnivorous freshwater fish. Aquaculture Research (Print), v. 46, p. n/a-n/a, 2013.

37. LUZ, RONALD KENNEDY ; SILVA, WALISSON DE SOUZA E ; MELILLO FILHO, REINALDO ; SANTOS, ANDRÉ EDUARDO HERINGER ; RODRIGUES, LUCAS ALVES ; TAKATA, RODRIGO ; ALVARENGA, ÉRIKA RAMOS DE ; TURRA, EDUARDO MALDONADO . Stocking density in the larviculture of Nile tilapia in saline water. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia (Online), v. 41, p. 2385-2389, 2012.