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Álvaro López I.


    • Civil Engineer. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María.
    • M.Sc. Civil Engineer. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María.
    • Ph.D Civil & Environmental Engineering, Portland State University. 


Tópicos: Ingeniería Sísmica / Análisis y Diseño Sísmico de Puentes / Diseño y análisis experimental de elementos estructurales de hormigón armado y acero estructural / Monitoreo de Estructuras / Sistemas de protección sísmica. 

Cursos dictados
    • Análisis Estructural (Structural Analysis).



    • López, A., Dusicka, P., Bazaez, R., "Performance of Substandard Bridge Reinforced Concrete Columns Subjected to Subduction Earthquakes". Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE. (En progreso).
    • López, A., Dusicka, P., "Evaluation of P-Delta Effects in Inertial Mass System for Shaking Table Tests". Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. (En progreso).
    • López, A., Leiva G., Bazaez, R., Loyola, R., "Experimental Response of Flexure-Dominated Insulated Concrete Form Grid Walls under In-Plane Loading". ACI Structural Journal. (En progreso).
    • Bazaez, R., Leiva, G., López, A., "Shear Behavior of Insulated Concrete Form Walls Subjected to Quasi-Static Cyclic Lateral Loading". ACI Structural Journal. (En progreso). 



    • López, A., Leiva, G., "Flexure Behavior of Screen-Grid Insulated Concrete Forms under In-Plane Loading". 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, paper No 2641, Santiago, Chile, 2017. (Poster).



    • "Megathrust Earthquakes and Substandard Infrastructure in Oregon". 69th EERI Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2017.
    • "Subduction Earthquake Effects on Performance (Oregon perspective)". M9 Mid-Project Stakeholders Meeting, University of Washington, Washington, USA, 2016.
    • "Shake Table Tests of Vulnerble Columns in Subduction Earthquakes". PSU Western State Earthquake Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2016.
    • Current Research on Bridge Seismic Performance with the Cascadia Subduction Hazard in Mind". American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Portland, Oregon, USA, 2015.