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Participation and registration

Participation and registration

The conference fees is USD 180

To register at the LLRN 4 Valparaíso | Labour Law Research Network Conference you must go to this website. 

Once there you need to select the event LLRN 4 Valparaíso: A global conversation about Labour Law 

Imagen foto_00000002Then clik in more details. “Ver Detalle










Then you will see this screen.

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Click on “Inscripción”

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Step 1: Inscription of attendees.

In this website you can register and pay the fees for only one person or for a group of persons. So first, write the numbers of participants that you are going to sign up.

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Second, Click on “Confirmar Cantidad de participantes” when you have write the numer of persons

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Step 2: Write the information requested. If you are foreign, you must put the next information:

  • Passport number in “Pasaporte”.
  • Name in “Primer Nombre”.
  • Last name in “Apellido Paterno”.
  • Mother’s last name in “Apellido Materno”.
  • Email in “correo”.
  • Institutional affiliation in “Empresa”
  • And by last click on the box “extranjero”.


Then click on “continuar”


Step 3: Payer’s registration and payment

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Write the detail requested before, but this time only with payer information

Then, you must choose a manner of payment. If you are going to pay with dollars, you must use PayPal.

You will redirect to the payment website.

Once you have done your payment, you are going to receive in your email a voucher. It’s important to print or save this voucher to present it the day of the registration at the Conference. If you have any doubt or request from us, please contact  [email protected].